Phrases (99)
(if) he/she/it were to make
(to make) good progress
a single tree can make a thousand matches, a single match can destroy a thousand trees
apply make up
calm seas don't make for great sailors
cool head and warm feet make for a long life
don't make a gap bigger by cutting the hedge to fill it
empty shells make the most noise
empty vessels make the most noise
extol your locality and make your home there
good hedges make good neighbours
make (money)
make (more) Welsh
make (the bed)
make a clean breast of it
make a cross-reference
make a down-payment
make a dummy pass
make a fuss of
make a good job of (something)
make a hash of things
make a mess of
make a mess of things
make a name for
make a pig’s ear of
make a reference to
make a song and dance
make a speech
make a stand
make a tally of your friend's mistakes; lose a friend
make an appointment
make an exception of
make barbed comments
make believe
make butter
make capital out of
make certain
make clogs
make converts
make dark
make dirty
make dizzy
make easier
make faces
make flexible
make fresh
make lace
make lame
make lukewarm
make money
make music
make one’s mouth water
make one’s way
make oneself scarce
make or become bald
make parallel
make poor
make ready
make reference to
make respectable
make rhymes
make sense of
make signs
make sociable
make sore
make sure
make sure you are the last to enter deep waters
make up one’s mind
make use of
make weatherproof
make white
make whole
make worse
may he/she/it make
one swallow doesn't make it spring
to make (one) sick
to make a fuss
to make a racket
to make faces

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