in English is:



Soft:(no mutation)
Nasal:(no mutation)
Aspirate:(no mutation)
Phrases (12)
Amser Amhenodol Syml
Amser Dyfodol Syml
Amser Gorberffaith Syml
Amser Gorffennol Syml
Amser Presennol Syml
amser syml
llog syml
Peth syml yw bod yn hapus, peth anodd yw bod yn syml
rhagenw annibynnol syml
Note: these pronouns can stand alone in a sentence. see also the entries for the individual forms.
rhagenw dibynnol ategol syml
Note: these pronouns must precede or be followed by another word; see also the entries for the individual forms
yn or-syml

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