
(hon) noun feminine (argraffweisg)
in English is:

printing press


Soft:(no mutation)
Nasal:(no mutation)
Aspirate:(no mutation)


yr argraffwasg hon
fy argraffwasg i
dy argraffwasg di
ei argraffwasg ef/o
ei hargraffwasg hi
ein hargraffwasg ni
eich argraffwasg chi
eu hargraffwasg nhw/hwy
yr un argraffwasg
y ddwy argraffwasg gyflym* (cyflym)
y tair argraffwasg bell* (pell)
y pedair argraffwasg dawel* (tawel)
y pum argraffwasg fach* (bach)
y chwe argraffwasg dda* (da)
y saith argraffwasg lân* (glân)
yr wyth argraffwasg lawn* (llawn)
y naw argraffwasg fawr* (mawr)
y deg argraffwasg ryfedd* (rhyfedd)

* These adjectives were chosen based on their initial letter in order to demostrate their mutations, and therefore their meaning will not make sense after some nouns!


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