
in Welsh is:
Phrases (26)
(nothing) at all
a candle loses nothing by lighting another candle
a fox yields nothing but its skin
a man who knows he knows nothing knows more than any of his teachers
deny oneself nothing
good for nothing
he knows the price of everything and the value of nothing
its better to aim at something and fail than to aim at nothing and succeed
its secret is it reveals nothing that lies behind what you see
listen, observe and say nothing
nothing between the ears
nothing else will do
nothing is for nothing
nothing sustains mens' folly more than their perceived wisdom
nothing sustains mens' folly more than their wisdom
nothing to it
nothing's perfect
The cost of doing nothing is much higher than making a mistake
there is nothing new under the sun
there’s nothing for it
to do nothing is worse than anything
woe be he who learns much but knows nothing

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