Phrases (25)
a single truth is worth more than a hundred honeyed words
an element of truth
an eternal truth, hate cannot defeat hate only love can do that
an old people, a long memory, an old memory, the truth
and then you see that smiles don't always tell the truth
biggest lie is a half truth
children and fools tell the truth
many a truth is best kept hidden
moment of truth
shutting the door on every mistake shuts the door on every truth
tell the truth
the dramatist with all his lies is nearer the truth than the historian
the honest truth
the plain truth
the truth of the matter is
to those who believe the illusion, the truth is but a mirage
traditional proverbs, truth's children
truth be told
truth can sleep on thorns the false can't sleep on feathers
truth table
truth will out
unpalatable truth

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