
in Welsh is:
f’ pronoun, fy pronoun, ’m1 pronoun, ’n1 pronoun, y’n pronoun
Phrases (45)
(to my) advantage
am I my brother's keeper?
be my guest
by the skin of my teeth
for my part
I for my part
I'll cast off my burden
I'll walk beside you the days of my life
in my prime
Land of My Fathers
me for my part
my cup runneth over
on (my) bike
on my (your, his, etc.) account
on my own
pour out my (your, his, etc.) troubles
slam the door in my face
thank you from the bottom of my heart
The picture I have of myself is my way of avoiding who I am.
to my surprise
where I am strong lies my weakness and where I am weak is my strength
with my skin intact
You know what lies in my heart
you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours

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