Phrases (42)
a long way
an old people, a long memory, an old memory, the truth
any wait is a long wait
as broad as it is long
as long as
become long in the tooth
cool head and warm feet make for a long life
cut a long story short
everyone wants a long life but no one wants to get old
February, short on days, long on misery
for a long time
for a long time to come
for a long way
however long
long and sunny
long blue
long distance
long face
long jump
long live
long memory
long night
long of tongue short on knowledge
long since
long summer's day
long time ago
long-blue drinking horn
long-case clock
long-finned pilot whale
long-tailed tit
of long lineage
short sleep, long life
so long as
the dumb will have a long wait at the door of the deaf
the long and short of it
the Night of the Long Knives

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