Phrases (35)
a lazy shepherd is a wolf's best friend
a little but often is best
a storm is the place to find the best sailors
an early start is the best start
as best you can
at best
be wise is the best practice
best deficiency a dearth of words
best man
best of friends
conscience is the best judge
do one’s best
education is the best of weapons
even the best of us has to shit
gifts freely given are the best gifts
good is the enemy of the best
its not the one that shouts the loudest that does the best
laughter is the best medicine
level best
many a truth is best kept hidden
not even the best of dishes can produce any food
of two ills the least is the best
one of the best
past (its) best
restraint will reveal the best way forward
Sunday best
take second-best
the best one is always the one that got away
the wild pony makes the best charger
today’s bread, yesterday’s meat and last year’s beer is best

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