
in Welsh is:
Phrases (29)
criticism comes easily where there's no love lost
there's a cure for all ills
there’s a demand for (something)
there's always one
there's an exception to every rule
there's enchantment there
there's more knowledge in experience than schooling
there's more to life than living it faster
there’s no
there's no fool like an old fool
there's no intelligent answer to a stupid question
there's no paradise like a fool's paradise
there’s no place like home
there's no point
there's no remedy for hate
there's no such thing as a short wait
there’s no two ways about it
there's no way
there’s none so blind as those who will not see
there's none so deaf as those who will not hear
there’s nothing for it
there's nowt stranger than folk
there's only so much that one can take
there's too much excess in the world
wheat doesn't grow where there's a gap in the hedge
when full of pride there's no room for wisdom
where there’s a will there’s a way

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