
in Welsh is:
eu pronoun, ’u pronoun, ’w pronoun
Phrases (19)
everyone differs in their daftness
everyone has something on their mind
everyone is entitled to their opinion
everyone is entitled to voice their opinion
everyone's world is the same size, the size of their mind
few are those who see with their own eyes and feel in their heart
frighten out of their wits
get (someone) on their way
lads in their terror rising in ranks to die
leaves fall near their roots
nothing sustains mens' folly more than their perceived wisdom
nothing sustains mens' folly more than their wisdom
only a fool judges someone by their clothes
put someone in their place
stars in their orbit
the lads whose cries are lost in the wind, their blood mixed with the rain
them for their part
they for their part
What other people may think of me is their problem, not mine

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