Phrases (47)
(something) by (something)
(something) is required
at the expense of (something)
break the back of (something)
bring (something) to light
cut something in its prime
detract from (something)
everyone has something on their mind
get (something) out of (someone)
give (something) teeth
have a go at (something)
have a look at (something)
if you don't stand for something, you will fall for something
it's inevitably something small and prickly that lies at the root of contention
its better to aim at something and fail than to aim at nothing and succeed
keep (something) clear
keeping an eye on (someone or something)
leave (someone or something) alone
leave one' stamp on (something)
make a good job of (something)
one can’t stand (someone or something)
ram (something) down one’s throat
set one’s heart on (something)
shore (something) up
something afoot
something's the matter
succeed at (something)
there’s a demand for (something)
to get through (something)
to have a hand in (something)
to set about something
turn (something) down
weave oneself around (something)
you get out of something what you put in

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