Phrases (40)
a guilty conscience is afraid of its own shadow
a guilty person flees from his own shadow
a guilty person is afraid of his own shadow
a knife cannot carve its own handle
a wise man keeps his own council a foolish man follows public opinion
deal first of all with the weeds in your own garden
do your own thing
each to his own opinion
every fool's a genius in his own estimation
few are those who see with their own eyes and feel in their heart
have one’s own way
he/she likes to hear the sound of his own voice
it takes a wise man to know his own folly
keep your own step clean and the whole street is clean
know the fall of your own foot
on my own
sufficient to each man his own burden
to get one’s own back
use as one’s own
woe be he who blames others for faults that are his own

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