
in Welsh is:
Phrases (56)
an old hand
an old people, a long memory, an old memory, the truth
any (old)
any old thing
become old
can’t fool old stagers
can’t teach an old dog new tricks
dry old stick
easy to reopen old wounds
everyone wants a long life but no one wants to get old
how old are you?
hundred years old
in with the new out with the old
of old
old age is the price we pay for having lived
old age is to regret rather than to hope
old boy/old girl
old country folk
old folk
old hand
old hat
old maid
old tricks
old wounds are difficult to heal
pay off old debts
pay off old scores
re-open old wounds
settle old scores
teach an old dog new tricks
the old know the young assume
there's no fool like an old fool
three-year-old salmon
to raise the old nick
to reopen old wounds
to resurrect an old quarrel
twelve year old
year(s) old

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