
in Welsh is:
Phrases (41)
and then you see that smiles don't always tell the truth
calm seas don't make for great sailors
Don’t ask “What’s the matter?” – by now nobody knows
don't be afraid of growing slowly, fear only standing still
don't believe everything you hear
don’t bite the hand that feeds
don't call a sheltering wood a jungle
don’t care in the least
don't count your chickens before they're hatched
don't cross the bridge till you come to it
don't do to others that which you wouldn't want them to do to you
Don't expect an answer when considering a problem. Understanding the nature of the problem will provide the answer, because the answer is part of the problem
don't follow a fleeing man
don't fool about with the enemy
don’t give a fig
don't have
don't judge a book by its cover
don't judge a book by its covers
don’t let
don't let the sun set on your ire
don't let your tongue cut your throat
don't look a gift horse in the mouth
don't look for where you fell but where you slipped
don't make a gap bigger by cutting the hedge to fill it
don't reject out of pride or accept out of weakness
don't spend your money before you receive it
don't stir up a hornet’s nest
don't worry about tomorrow, it may never come
I don’t believe it
I don’t mind
if it ain't bust don't fix it
if you don't stand for something, you will fall for something
if you plant grass don't expect flowers
many are the preachers who don't hear themselves
when woe takes a rest don't disturb it
you don't undo a knot with a sledgehammer
you don't use wool to tie down a raging bull
you don't want flowers before May

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