Phrases (30)
(if) he/she/it were to do
(this will) do
a mother's child can do no wrong
an eternal truth, hate cannot defeat hate only love can do that
do a bunk
do good rather than talk good
do one’s best
do penance
do those little things you heard me say and saw me do
do to death
do without
do your own thing
do-it-yourself items
don't do to others that which you wouldn't want them to do to you
for all your craft, do you have a single verse that's completely true?
have to do with
I couldn’t do other than
if you can - do it!
if you can't do it when you can you won't do it when you want to
if you can't find the time to do it properly you'll have to find the time to do it again
it wouldn’t do
may he/she/it do
not want anything to do with
nothing else will do
to do nothing is worse than anything
to do the splits
to gain a favour, do a favour

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