Phrases (92)
(if) he/she/it were to become
become a member
become agitated
become Anglicized
become aware of
become bankrupt
become bare
become bitter
become blind
become brittle
become childish
become dilapidated
become dizzy
become drunk
become empty
become engaged
become enraged
become established
become faint-hearted
become furious
become gentler
become green
become grey
become hollow
become incarnate
become inflamed
become infuriated
become juicy
become knotted
become lame
become larger
become late
become long in the tooth
become longer
become lukewarm
become maggot ridden
become maggot-ridden
become mild
become milder
become mired
become more tender
become narrow
become obdurate
become obstinate
become old
become one
become overcast
become puffed up
become real
become respectable
become rough
become rougher
become round-shouldered
become scarce
become sharp
become shy
become silly
become sore
become stiff
become stronger
become sultry
become thin
become undone
become unfeeling
become used to
become warm
become white
become white-hot
become wizened
I would become
let us become
make or become bald
Man can become what he believes if he does what he believes
the greater you believe yourself to be, the smaller you become
we will become
When I discard what I am I become what I could be

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