Phrases (51)
answer back
back (someone) up
back and fore
back benches
back crawl
back handspring
back heel
back kitchen
back to front
back(side) to back(side)
behind someone's back
break the back of (something)
by the back door
can't turn the clock back
drive back
front and back
get (one’s) back up
have someone's back
hog’s back
keep back
like water off a duck’s back
on one’s back
on the back foot
pat oneself on the back
pin back one’s ears
small of the back
straw that broke the camel's back
throw a stone at a wall and it will bounce back and hit you
to get one’s own back
to know the road ahead, ask those coming back
to pat on the back
to see the back of
to turn back the clock
turn one’s back
with one’s back to the wall
you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours

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