
in Welsh is:
Phrases (53)
all are equal in the face of death
are there(?)
as things are
As you are, so is the world, unless you change neither will the world
constant declarations of faith are the expression of fear
crows are more common than nightingales
ears are burning
few are those who see with their own eyes and feel in their heart
fine deeds are more eloquent than fine words
gifts freely given are the best gifts
here is (are)
how are the mighty fallen
how are you
how old are you?
if things aren't as you like them, like them as they are
if you are going to bow, bow low
if you are not part of the answer you are part of the problem
if you are not strong, be smart
If you start to understand who you are without trying to change you shall be transformed
in order to find the way you need to know where you are going
in the space between black and white are the seeds of fancy sown
it only takes a couple of words, its silences are its strength
Love and compassion are essential without them mankind will not survive
make sure you are the last to enter deep waters
many are the preachers who don't hear themselves
many pairs of shoes are worn out between saying and doing
old wounds are difficult to heal
once the paths of song, are now the haunt of owls
the lads whose cries are lost in the wind, their blood mixed with the rain
the tame are easily caught
there are
there are more ways of killing a cat than choking it with cream
there are no groves in a new road
there are no pockets in a shroud
there are so many who neither know the value of anything nor how much is enough
there are times when you have to be silent in order to be heard
there is (are)
these are
to boast and to lie are one and the same
trials are the rungs of a ladder that reaches to heaven
we are but candles blowing in the wind
we are but here a while
we are getting nowhere
where once I played of yore, there are those I know no more
within us are our stars and all our songs
woe be he who blames others for faults that are his own
you are
you are fairer by far than the whitest rose
you are never short of a companion if you have a book
your staunchest ally and deadliest foe are found within you

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