
in Welsh is:
’ch pronoun, d’ pronoun, dy pronoun, eich pronoun, ’th pronoun
Phrases (47)
beware of the friend who becomes your master
bite your tongue
by the sweat of your brow
count your blessings
deal first of all with the weeds in your own garden
dig your well before you get thirsty
do your own thing
don't count your chickens before they're hatched
don't let the sun set on your ire
don't let your tongue cut your throat
don't spend your money before you receive it
easier to shut your eyes than your mouth
extol your locality and make your home there
fold your arms
for all your craft, do you have a single verse that's completely true?
give your word
hold your water
If “Thank you” is your only prayer, it is enough
if you need a helping hand, you'll find one at the end of your arm
If you weep because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears prevent you from seeing the stars
It's better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you're stupid rather open it and dispel all doubt
keep your own step clean and the whole street is clean
keep your tongue to cool your cawl
know the fall of your own foot
love thy neighbour but keep your hedge
make a tally of your friend's mistakes; lose a friend
May the blush of youth dance lightly on your cheeks
more than your life’s worth
on my (your, his, etc.) account
pour out my (your, his, etc.) troubles
put all your eggs into one basket
sell your knowledge and buy some sense
shoulder your responsibilities
shut your mouth
take advice but use your head
take your time to travel far
take your time when replying to a question
teach your grandmother to suck eggs
to teach your grandmother to suck eggs
with your blessing
you can't have your cake and eat it
you for your part
, tithau1
your day starts when you get up
your good health
your staunchest ally and deadliest foe are found within you

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