Phrases (36)
a fool for five minutes, someone who asks: a fool for life, someone who doesn't
a life without books is a dormant life
bread is the staff of life
brevity of life
can't for the life of me
cool head and warm feet make for a long life
disputes arise when life is easy
everyone wants a long life but no one wants to get old
experience is the comb given to us by life after we have lost our hair
I'll walk beside you the days of my life
If you weep because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears prevent you from seeing the stars
kiss of life
life flows like a river to the sea
life history
Life is a battle between faith and reason, the one supporting the other and then destroying it
life is not like crossing a field - it’s crossing a sandy beach
Life Sciences
life's a struggle
light of one’s life
more than your life’s worth
product life cycle
quality of life
shelf life
short sleep, long life
springtime of life
the breath of life
the staff of life
there's more to life than living it faster
true wisdom comes from the realisation of how little we know of life, ourselves and the world about us
way of life

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