
in Welsh is:
2 cyn2 adverbial particle
Phrases (32)
a single reed will snap, not so a bunch of reeds bound together
a word is just so much wind
a young man's promise, just so much froth
and so forth
a ballu
as ye sow so shall ye reap
As you are, so is the world, unless you change neither will the world
I suppose so
mourning may sleep, not so anxiety
not so fast
not so much
so far
so forth
noun masculine or adverb
so little
so long as
so on
noun masculine or adverb
so said
so small
so that
So the last shall be first ,and the first last
there are so many who neither know the value of anything nor how much is enough
there’s none so blind as those who will not see
there's none so deaf as those who will not hear
there's only so much that one can take
two men can meet, not so two mountains

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