Phrases (30)
a labour of love
an eternal truth, hate cannot defeat hate only love can do that
beauty is no more than that which you love
criticism comes easily where there's no love lost
God is Love
in love
Love and compassion are essential without them mankind will not survive
love cannot be given it must be accepted
love grows in between tiffs and squabbles
love is tougher than any armor
love messenger
love of native land
love song
love spoon
love thy neighbour but keep your hedge
love to distraction
love will out come hell or high water
Love's first duty is to listen
maternal love
on a journey of love, a thousand miles is no further than one
parental love
rebuke is a necessary part of love
the day that the power of love surpasses the love of power is the day that peace will descend on the world
true love is as enduring as steel

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