Phrases (26)
as far as I know
, sbo
better the devil you know
by his acts will ye know a man
I know
in order to find the way you need to know where you are going
in the know
it takes a wise man to know his own folly
it's not easy to know a man as friend or foe
know (a fact or facts)
know the fall of your own foot
know which way the wind blows
the old know the young assume
there are so many who neither know the value of anything nor how much is enough
to know the road ahead, ask those coming back
true wisdom comes from the realisation of how little we know of life, ourselves and the world about us
where once I played of yore, there are those I know no more
wouldn’t know him from Adam
you get to know ten things by learning one
You know what lies in my heart

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