
in Welsh is:
1 os conjunction, pe conjunction
2 a4 interrogative particle, ai interrogative particle
Phrases (46)
(if) he/she/it were to become
(if) he/she/it were to come
(if) he/she/it were to do
(if) he/she/it were to earn
(if) he/she/it were to force
(if) he/she/it were to keep
(if) he/she/it were to make
(if) he/she/it were to order
(if) he/she/it were to save
(if) he/she/it would be
(if) you were to be
be smart if you're not strong
even a fish wouldn't get into trouble if it kept its mouth shut
If “Thank you” is your only prayer, it is enough
if he (she, it) did
if he/she/it would be
if I would be
if it ain't bust don't fix it
if otherwise
if the cap fits
if there is no
if they would be
if things aren't as you like them, like them as they are
if we would be
if you are going to bow, bow low
if you are not part of the answer you are part of the problem
if you are not strong, be smart
if you can - do it!
if you can't do it when you can you won't do it when you want to
if you can't find the time to do it properly you'll have to find the time to do it again
if you can't keep it brief its not worth knowing
if you don't stand for something, you will fall for something
if you miss a bit everyone will take advantage
if you need a helping hand, you'll find one at the end of your arm
if you plant grass don't expect flowers
If you start to understand who you are without trying to change you shall be transformed
If you weep because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears prevent you from seeing the stars
If you wish happiness for others, be compassionate if you wish to be happy yourself, be compassionate
if you would be
Man can become what he believes if he does what he believes
please, if you please
strive as if you'll live forever, take pleasure as if you'll die tomorrow
work as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die tomorrow
you are never short of a companion if you have a book

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