Phrases (92)
dig your well before you get thirsty
even a fish wouldn't get into trouble if it kept its mouth shut
everyone wants a long life but no one wants to get old
fall seven times get up eight
get (one’s) back up
get (someone) drunk
get (someone) on their way
get (something) out of (someone)
get a load of
get angry
get cold
get dark
get deeper
get down to the nitty gritty
get drunk
get even with
get heavier
get hold of
get hold of (someone)
get huffy
get in someone’s hair
get into one's head
get into the habit
get it off one’s chest
get lower
get on someone’s nerves
get on top of one
get on with
get one's knickers in a twist
get ready
get signed and sealed
get steamed up
get the better of
get the message
get the wind beneath his wings
get the wrong end of the stick
get thee behind me, Satan
get through
get under way
get underway
get up to mischief
get warm again
get wiser
I wonder whether I get younger as the years go by?
I would get
it's the early bird that catches the worm but the second mouse that get's the cheese
let us get
success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you get
the more you put into it, the more you get out
things will get better
to get a move on
to get fat
to get going
to get into one’s stride
to get moving
to get on with it
to get one’s own back
to get through (something)
we will get
you get out of something what you put in
you get to know ten things by learning one
your day starts when you get up

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