Phrases (78)
(something) by (something)
a candle loses nothing by lighting another candle
a man encumbered by his riches
a person is known by the company he keeps
by a hair’s breadth
by adoption
by all means
by and large
by birth
by every means possible
by fair means
by fair means or foul
by his acts will ye know a man
by invitation
by means of
by night
by request
by return of post
by that time
by the back door
by the skin of my teeth
by the skin of one’s teeth
by the sweat of your brow
by the time
by the way
by this time
by word of mouth
cheek by jowl
Don’t ask “What’s the matter?” – by now nobody knows
don't judge a book by its cover
don't judge a book by its covers
don't make a gap bigger by cutting the hedge to fill it
every ebb is followed by a flow
experience is the comb given to us by life after we have lost our hair
graves washed by the rain
hard to come by
justification by faith
learn by e-learning
lie side by side
little by little
no one has lost a penny by being too brazen
occur by default
one by one
only a fool judges someone by their clothes
place side by side
side by side
sponsored by
step by step
step by step will take you far
to call by
trial by ordeal
you are fairer by far than the whitest rose
you get to know ten things by learning one

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